Protein Shake


Well if you’ve been following along for very long you know that Greyson has been packing on the pounds.  Well today we saw how he’s been doing it.  Apparently he went to the gym and learned how all the body builders were drinking protein shakes, so he said, “sign me up!”.  Along with his milk Greyson gets this wonderful cocktail that includes extra protein, iron, milk fortifier, and of course mom made milk which he thinks is the best part of the drink.

When we walked in today we were astonished to see Greyson sitting up in bed.  We thought babies had to be much older in order to do that. Turns out we were right and he was being held up by his bed which can be raised.  They were hoping this would help with his eating, breathing, gas, and irritation level.

Greyson didn’t get to spend time on the nasal canula today since he’s had bad gasses lately.  They also wrote an order that says he can only be on the nasal canula once a day for a max of 2 hours.  This is down from the order that said he could be on it up to 4 hours a day.  Kind of a bummer but if it helps his gasses get better we are all for it.  Last night his c02 was down to 66 which is a relief, although we need them to get back in the 50’s again.

As a final progress note Greyson went to the eye Dr. today, well actually he stayed in his crib and the Dr. came to him.  His eyes are still at stage 1 which means he is doing well.  The Dr. will see him again in a month and if they are still doing well he will not have to have another exam for a year.  So it looks like Greyson’s vision will not be impacted by his prematurity which we are praising God for.

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4 thoughts on “Protein Shake

  1. Yes, lets praise God for those wonderful little eyes. What a great blessing that is…Thank you all again for sharing with all of us on a daily basis. We look so forward everyday to your updates and the pictures..Several of the ladies in my office are following along with you. What blessings you have all been to so many of us…Please hug Greyson for his Aunt Sue today.
    I love you all, Aunt Sue

  2. With all that protein shake and etc. he probably feels he needs to get up and work out. No wonder he’s a little irritable, he has all this energy and can’t get up and use it. I am so glad his blood gasses were better, and hope they will be even better on the next update. I am also so happy to hear his eyes are going to be fine, God has been so good.

    Love mom

  3. What great news about the eyes and gases. I think we would be irritable too if we had to wear the cpap. Maybe getting to sit up will help. We are praying for better days ahead and much progress. Know God is with him and you as well. Love you…Mom

  4. We follow your great updates on Greyson’s progress almost daily and we add our prayers to so many for healthy lungs.

    We were thrilled to learn that his eye sight is unaffected by his early arrival and I agree with Grandma Terry – he may just need to spend more time in the gym.

    We pray for low blood gasses and a gentle day for you, Greyson.

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