So I haven’t been very good at sending any pics, or updates for that matter. But I think this picture is worth waiting for. Monday was a huge day for Greyson. I’m sure you all are aware of the hole that developed in his intestine/bowel. That was the end of the day, and certainly not a postive thing. Before that happened though Greyson had some other big events that didn’t get much discussion due to the hole issue.
On Monday Greyson opened both eyes. We saw one little eye open on monday night, today we saw both open for a little bit and it seemed as if at different times he was trying to look at both Stacy and I. Monday Greyson also had his first bowel movement. This is a very postive event although it doesn’t take away from the seriousness of the intestinal hole. He also got his PICC line, which is basically an IV line that is more permanent. This is good because it gives them an access point that is less prone to infection than the ones in his belly button (although he still has one line in his belly button right now).
Anyway not much to report even up to today. He is still handling normal oxygen (21 percent which is room air), the brain scan came back normal (Praise the Lord) his sodium level has come down to 5 (it was up at 7 which is way to high. Ideally it would be below 4). He is still draining quite a bit out of his belly drain. They said not to make to much of that at this point but if everything is going well it should taper off to basically nothing. If it doesn’t over the next few days they will have to find out why and something more might have to be done. We are of course still waiting for the PDA (heart artery) to either close itself or be surgically closed once we get through the belly issue. Not much else to report other than he loves all of you and wants you to know how much he appreciates all of your love and prayers for him.
Enjoy the picture!
PS–The gross looking stuff on the tape is from Monday night, in the midst of everything he was throwing up some. It’s a bit tramatic to change the tape so they just leave it for awhile.